понедельник, 14 декабря 2015 г.

Living Alone

It is a common knowledge that our world is globalizing more and more with    every day. This results in a cultural openness and living alone is one of those trends     that are spreading worldwide. Even in the countries that traditional mentality and         close minded thinking dominates in the societies, we can find young people,                especially teenagers, who prefer to separate with their families and live alone or            together with their friends. However, this phenomenon has both negative and positive influence on the communities that should be taken into consideration.
First and foremost, it is very obvious that young people have less life                 experience than their parents. This means that they have to do mistakes and learn on    their own mistakes rather than ask for advice from their parents. Living separately       from the older family members, children's chances of going wrong increases as they   have to make the decisions on their own. Thus, taking into account that parents, who   have richer life experience, do not participate in the decision making process of their  children, they can deviate from their right path and make a lot of fatal mistakes.
Secondly, it is a very rare phenomenon that teenagers can earn enough money  to satisfy their financial needs and simultaneously manage to study and get a qualified education. Usually, parents support their children until they reach some level of           financial independence. In this case, when teenagers, even when they live with their    friends who are their age, are not able to earn enough money to satisfy all their needs. Thus, to prevent children from following the path of earning money in illegal or          immoral ways, it is necessary that parents support their children especially by             providing them financial means.
Therefore, for the reasons mentioned and discussed above, I agree with the        statements that children should not live with their friends or alone. The parents' or     other older family member's moral and financial support in very crucial for children so that in the future they will be able to achieve success in their personal life and career.

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